Tag: inventory

Removing Dead Stock in 2 steps

A new inventory utility has been added to WinSale that can use the sales and purchase order history to remove dead inventory from your system. Dead Inventory is defined as having an item number with zero quantity on hand and no history of sales or reorders back to the ending […]

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Distributive Inventory

WinSale now has the ability to distribute inventory from a central warehouse using the already existing Red Line inventory method. This is done by using an auto-transfer system from the warehouse entity (Store number 0) using the pre-established Red Line mechanism for each of the child stores. It works exactly […]

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Inventory Seasons

In addition to the Department and Class inventory properties, styles can now also be defined by a Season Property. This brings many opportunities to the WinSale reporting system but can also give new utility for seasonal purchasing and automatic transferring.

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