This is the main report for analyzing sales information. It will provide you with a summary of all of your sales, profits, and Margins. The figures are lumped into subtotals by many organizational groupings. Sales data can be suppressed into subtotal by grouping or it can be shown in detail. Current stock levels are also supplied. When running the report by Style it can hyperlink to a matrix inventory system that shows all details down to the size and color or width of the items.
The user supplies a specified date range, and a choice of one of the following inventory and Sales groups:
- Item number
- Vendor number
- Size
- Color
- Style
- Department
- Date Code
- Class
- Salesman number
- Customer number
- Major Account
- Receipt Number
Within each of these groups, you may further narrow down and filter to vendor, department, or Class ranges, making this an extremely flexible report. This report also includes an average ticket in dollars, the number of sales tickets, and the average number of items on the ticket per criterion.
The report can be run for a single store, a list of stores, or all stores. The sales data can be combined, or separated by individual stores.
Periodic Hot Seller Report Dialog

Example Report:

Matrix Inventory Linking

Matrix Linking Steps
When you run the Hot Seller Report by Style you can hyperlink the Style Number to the Power Matrix Report which will help you dive deeply into your up-to-the-minute inventory levels for reordering purposes. To Link to the matrix, hold down the ALT key when clicking on the blue style number and the matrix will automatically generate for you.
Matrix Inventory

The periodic Hot Seller is your main report for analyzing sales information. It will provide you with a summary of all of your sales, profits, and margins. The figures are lumped into subtotal by many organizational groupings.
The user supplies a specific date range, sorted by one of the following inventory keys; Item number, Vendor number, Size, Color, Style, Department, Date Code, Class, Salesman Number, Customer Number, Invoice Number, or Description. Within each of those sorts, you may further narrow down the filters to specific ranges of date, vendor, department, or class ranges, making it an extremely narrow/flexible report.
This report also includes an average ticket in dollars, the number of sales tickets, and the average number of items on the ticket per criterion.