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Partial Approvals Process

< 1 min read

Partial Approval Steps and Prompts

Swipe Card

Credit Card was approved but not for the entire amount. This screen will be
displayed to clerk, and they will need to tell the customer at this point that they
will need additional funds.

Winsale will also give additional information to the clerk. The clerk should click OK
at this prompt after reading.

One more prompt is given with instructions.

The Split Tender will now be redisplayed. As you can see below the #1 Credit
Card Option is removed and filled in with the pre-approved amount.

The clerk can now choose any other tender to complete the sale. If the clerk uses
another credit card and it is also partially approved they should continue in the
above manner. If the clerk uses another tender type that is approved the sale will
simply act as a split tended sale.

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